Have you recently lost a large amount of weight? Even if you have reached your goal weight, you may now feel less confident because of the excess skin you have around your stomach. It is quite common for people who lose a significant amount of weight to end up with some stretched skin in the form of a pooch. However, you may not feel confident because of it and would prefer to do something about it right away.
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If you work on your feet all day, it can put quite a toll on your feet, which is why it's important to know what you can do to relieve them. Doing this is going to ensure that your feet stay in good health. If you aren't taking care of them, many issues can arise in the future. This includes bunions, poor blood circulation, and more. Here are four ways to avoid health issues with your feet in the future:
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Obesity is a major issue throughout American, with more than one in three adults considered to be obese. While it is more common than ever before to be obese, there is also a flip side to this. Many people who are obese are now turning to healthier habits and weight-loss surgery in order to shed pounds. Major weight loss of over one hundred pounds can have major impacts on both a person's life and their wallet.
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If you have recently had an annual physical, your physician may have ordered a lipid profile assessment. The test is used to help determine your risk for heart disease. It measures your HDL cholesterol, your LDL cholesterol, and your triglycerides. If any of your levels are outside of a normal range, your doctor may ask you to take several steps to improve your cardiac health and your lipid numbers. Here are a few recommendations that he or she may make:
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When the phrase "public health epidemic" is uttered, everything from Zika virus to drug overdoses comes to mind. But there's currently a lesser-known but equally prevalent threat to public health impacting millions of Americans, and it may even be lurking inside your home without your knowledge. What is this mysterious malady? Lack of sleep.
Insufficient sleep is so much of an issue that it's officially been deemed a public health problem by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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