Lowering Your Blood Pressure Levels

A Guide To Understanding Infertility And The Role Of Follicle Stimulating Hormones When You Have PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a common disorder that is a leading cause of infertility and manifests with symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, and insulin resistance. Unfortunately, it is thought to impact up to one out of every ten women and since sporadic or absent menstrual cycles are usually associated with not ovulating regularly, some  women with PCOS have trouble conceiving without medical intervention. If you have been diagnosed with PCOS and would like to get pregnant soon, you need to be aware of the facts shared below. Read More 

Proton Therapy For Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the prostate gland, which is near the male urethra, grow uncontrolled. If left untreated, prostate cancer may spread to other parts of the body such as the bladder, in a process known as metastasis. Treatment for prostate cancer depends on factors such as the staging. Only you and your doctor can determine which treatment is right for you. A form of advanced radiation therapy is available that offers benefits over conventional radiation treatments. Read More 

Tips For Exercising Despite Suffering From Foot Pain Caused By Excess Weight

If you are carrying excess weight, you might find that you generally have a harder time getting around than you did when you didn't weigh as much. This is due to the fact that you feel tired more quickly and easily. You also might find that your body hurts due to the additional pressure that you are subjecting it to as a result of carrying excess weight. Your feet in particular might be really hurting. Read More 

Tips For Getting The Best Botox Results

Everyone is getting older. You might notice that your skin is starting to lose some of its elasticity and wrinkles are starting to form as a result of the collagen breaking down. This is normal and happens to everyone. However, you might feel self conscious as a result of the wrinkles and might not want to look older yet. You might decide to go with Botox treatments in order to fill in some of the wrinkles and start looking younger again. Read More 

Understanding Some Varicose Vein Complications.

If you have varicose veins, then you may be concerned about the appearance of the unsightly blood vessels. The veins typically bulge and appear dark purple in color. They can also cause a significant amount of pain. If pain is bothersome to you or if you have other symptoms associated with the veins, then you should seek out treatment. Surgical interventions can be taken. If you are unsure about whether or not surgery is right for you, then you should understand that treatments can reduce varicose vein complications. Read More