
Premature Infant Vision: Common Problems And Their Treatments

Babies who are born prematurely struggle with many different health challenges. Fortunately, modern medical advances help babies who are born several weeks early to still grow and develop into healthy infants. One of the biggest problems that premature babies face is trouble with vision. A baby's eyesight develops in the womb, and continues to develop right until the time of birth. The eye is delicate, and the blood vessels that supply oxygen to this organ need time before birth to fully mature. Read More 

3 Healthy Activities That Can Lead To Inflamed Varicose Veins

Although exercise is a big part of preventing varicose veins, continuing certain intense physical activities could actually make the problem worse. As the vein inflammation worsens, you may experience intense pain and cramping at night around the affected area. Furthermore, the veins turn a deep blue or purple color, bulge out from under the skin and continue to spread to adjacent areas. As a result of these issues, varicose veins and depression often occur together, wreaking havoc on your mind until you seek treatment to resolve the problem. Read More 

Expect The Unexpected: High Skin Cancer Rates For Hispanic And Asian Women

Ask most people in the US who is most likely to get skin cancer, and you would probably expect to hear an answer that includes some variant on the term, "Caucasians." In fact, the stereotype of the person with skin cancer is a white person in a tanning bed or slathered with oil on a sunny beach, seeking a golden tan. Perhaps an elderly white man playing golf in Florida comes to your mind. Read More 

5 Things You Need To Know About Narcolepsy

Feeling extremely tired or exhausted is very common. About 15% of women and 10% of men report feeling this way nearly everyday. This feeling is common enough that it's often considered a normal part of adult life, but being constantly exhausted isn't actually normal. It can be a sign of serious sleep disorders that need treatment. One of these sleep disorders is narcolepsy. What is narcolepsy? Narcolepsy is a type of sleep disorder that keeps your brain from regulating your sleep cycle. Read More 

4 Questions You Should Ask Your Pain Management Practitioner

Not all forms of pain can be completely eliminated. If you have a painful, incurable condition, you need to focus on managing that pain instead. Pain management is a specialized science, so here are four questions you can ask to help you understand the issues and answers involved. 1. What Are My Pain Management Options? In the minds of many, pain management begins and ends with drugs. But medications are only one tool in the arsenal of a modern pain institute with access to both traditional and alternative treatment methods. Read More