4 Tools You Should Keep In Your Emergency Dental Kit
Whether you religiously take care of your oral health or let it slide from time to time, accidents and injuries can happen. Being prepared for problems can make the difference between a minor incident and a serious infection. Here are four things you should keep in your emergency dental kit to care for your oral health in case of a problem.
Gingival Stimulator
In addition to being a great tool for removing plaque build-up between teeth and along the gumline, gingival stimulators are wonderful for removing debris that's caught under your gumline. Gingival stimulators are made out of a flexible rubber that can slide between teeth and just under the gumline. If you've ever had a popcorn kernel get stuck under your gums, you know how uncomfortable having foreign debris under your gumline can be. Removing it with a gingival stimulator can prevent severe infections from developing in your gums and the roots of your teeth.
Chances are you have floss in your home, so what's the point of adding it to your emergency dental kit? The answer is, floss runs out, and you don't want to be caught without it when you have an emergency. Floss is one of the best tools you can have for removing debris from between your teeth, including sharp food particles that could harm your gums. Keep an extra container of floss in your emergency dental kit for times like these.
Another good item to keep in your kit is an individual, sealed teabag. Teabags are one of the best tools you can have for stopping bleeding of the gums. In addition to their ability to soak up excess blood, the tannins in the tea help the blood to clot, stopping the flow of blood from the injury.
Dental Pick
Dental picks can be bought just about anywhere that sells oral health tools, and they're invaluable for removing hard debris from between your teeth. Unlike gingival stimulators, dental picks are sharp and thin, which provide a stronger base if the object is too hard or wedged in to be gently removed with a gingival stimulator. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn't attempt to use a dental pick to scale plaque or tartar off your teeth, as pressing too hard could damage your enamel.
Reliable Dentist's Number
Lastly, don't forget to include a business card or post-it for a nearby, reliable dentist in your kit. When you or a loved one are in trouble and need help, you don't want to have to fumble with an internet search to find a good dentist. Just save the information in your kit so you can contact someone straight away if you have a problem.
Keeping an emergency dental kit is just as important as having a first-aid kit. If you don't have a kit yet, assemble one today to be better prepared for oral health emergencies.
For more information, check out a dentist like Peninsula Community Health Services- Medical (Cottonwood).