Tips To Help You Avoid Pregnancy Ultrasound Embarrassment
If you have recently learned that you are pregnant, then you will need to schedule ultrasounds throughout your pregnancy. The first one should be completed sometime between the first six to eight weeks of your pregnancy, and the last one should take place around the time that you are 20 weeks pregnant. Sonograms are typically fairly standard procedures, but some things can occur during the test that may be embarrassing to some. Keep reading to learn about a few of these things and how you can prevent your own embarrassment during the imaging.
Possible Urination
If you have an ultrasound scheduled, then your physician will likely inform you that you need to drink a good deal of water before the imaging is completed. In most cases, you will need to drink about 32 ounces of water. This amount of water is equivalent to about six coffee mugs full of fluid. This is a lot of water. The water helps to fill up the bladder and this pushes the uterus up into the abdomen. This allows the technician to identify your fetus much more easily. Also, when the bladder is full, sound waves will bounce off the organ. This can help to reduce confusion since the bladder and uterus sometimes look the same when the image test is completed.
You likely know that your growing child places a great deal of pressure on the bladder and can cause you to urinate many times throughout the day. If your bladder is extremely full during the ultrasound, then your fetus as well as the sonogram probe can push on your bladder. You may then have an embarrassing urination incident during the test.
There are several things you can do to stop yourself from fully wetting your pants. Your bladder needs to be full during the sonogram but not beforehand. This means that you can and should drink your water at the last minute so the bladder is just filling up as the ultrasound starts. Drinking your water about 30 minutes before the test is a good idea. This will reduce the urination urge.
Also, since stress incontinence is extremely common during pregnancy, it is best to wear an incontinence pad during your sonogram. The pads are extremely absorbent and are meant to pull moisture away from the skin to keep you dry and comfortable if you do leak urine. The pads also have ingredients that help to neutralize odors and reduce your embarrassment. You can use sanitary pads as well. However, these products do not hold as much fluid as products meant for incontinence.
Weight Gain Issues
If you gain a great deal of weight during your pregnancy, then it is possible that a traditional abdominal ultrasound cannot be completed. The dense fat will often create a grainy or gray image that can make fetal inspection extremely difficult. In this case, the ultrasound probe will need to be placed closer to your uterus so the images are much more clear. This is possible with a transvaginal ultrasound where the probe is placed directly into the vagina.
If you schedule an abdominal ultrasound and fatty tissue precludes the technician from seeing your fetus clearly, then the professional may switch probes. This may be embarrassing to you, so make sure to schedule a transvaginal ultrasound in the first place if you have gained a great deal of weight or you are overweight when you become pregnant. Keep in mind that you typically should only gain 40 pounds total at the most when you are pregnant. Use this figure to determine if you have already gained a lot of weight.
The good news is that transvaginal ultrasounds do not require you to fill your bladder beforehand. Also, images are typically a lot clearer and they are completed fairly quickly. For more information, visit as site like