3 Things To Know About Dental Bonding For Fixing Chipped Teeth
If you are eating something really hard and suddenly feel a piece of your tooth chip off, you will probably want to call a dentist soon to get this tooth fixed. One of the methods a dentist might recommend for fixing this tooth is called bonding. While bonding is a good method for fixing chipped teeth, it is not always the best option. Before you agree to this, you may want to learn more about what bonding is, so you can make the right decision. Here are three things you should know before you decide whether or not to select bonding as the treatment method for your chipped tooth.
It Is Good For Certain Teeth
Bonding is a process that dentists use for a variety of purposes, including to fix chipped teeth. The benefit of bonding is that it can be used to fix many different problems, but the downside is that it is not as strong and durable as other methods.
When a dentist uses bonding to fix a tooth, he or she will place a composite material on the tooth. After this, the dentist must sculpt and shape the tooth. After this is complete, the material will begin to harden, and the dentist will eventually polish it so it is smooth.
While this process works great for front teeth, it is not the best option for molars. Dental bonding adheres well to teeth, but it does not hold up well with force. In other words, if the tooth you chipped is a tooth you chew with, the dentist may suggest a different option for fixing it. Because of this, bonding is primarily used to fix chips on the front teeth.
Therefore, if your chipped tooth is one of your front teeth, bonding would be a great option. If the chipped tooth is a molar, you may want to consider a different option for fixing your chipped tooth.
It Is The Cheapest Fix For A Tooth
When bonding is a suitable method for fixing a dental problem, a lot of people will choose it because of the cost. Bonding is often the least expensive way to fix a tooth, but there are other options for times when bonding will not work well. These options include:
- Veneers – A veneer is a solid piece of material placed over a tooth, and it is typically made of porcelain. One veneer can cost around $1,100, but they can sometimes be more than this.
- Crown – A dental crown is also a solid piece of material placed over a tooth, and it is often used to fix problems with molars. The average cost for a dental crown is $600 to $1,500, or more.
Dental bonding typically costs $100 to $400 per tooth, which is a lot cheaper than the alternatives. It is cheaper because the material costs less, and because a dentist has less work to do on the tooth prior to completing the bonding process.
It Can Stain
If dental bonding seems like the right option for you, there is one additional thing to know. The material used in dental bonding can stain. In other words, after a couple months or years, you might notice that the bonding on your tooth is a different color than the rest of your teeth.
Bonding will often keep its original color for a while, but it can get stained over time. It will stain worse if you drink coffee, red wine, or tea, and smoking cigarettes may also cause it to discolor.
Bonding is a good treatment option for many dental problems, but it is not the only option available. If you would like to learn more about the options available for fixing your chipped tooth, make an appointment at a cosmetic dentistry clinic in your area.