2 Office Work-Related Injuries And How You Can Treat Them

Every job has its dangers and hazards, whether you are working at a gas station, or in a professional office environment. And, when you get injured while working in an office, your injuries can be just as painful as constructed-related injuries. Here are two office work-related injuries and what you can do to treat them.

Injured Tailbone

If you sit at a computer desk for your job, you may be at risk of injuring your tailbone. As a female, you are more likely to hurt your tailbone because your pelvis is broader, which leaves your tailbone (coccyx) more susceptible to injury. 

A soft computer chair does not seem like dangerous equipment, but you can injure your tailbone by sitting too long on one. Especially if you are overweight, the high amount of pressure on your tailbone can bruise the tissue around your tailbone's point. 

Although your tailbone is a small set of bones, injuring them can cause you a great amount of pain when you sit, walk, and stand. The pain may feel like an ache that can radiate up into your pelvis, into your buttocks, and down your legs. Fortunately, you can take pain relievers to help the pain until the tissues around your tailbone heal. 

A chiropractors deals with treating spine-related issues, so they can help ease the pain around your tailbone. They will treat your injury with massage therapy, and by using cold and hot compress to help the swelling in the surrounding tissues. 

A tailbone injury is painful because it is attached to tissues and muscles that become stiff from swelling, which pulls your tailbone out of alignment. By massaging and treating the surrounding muscles, this helps to realign the tailbone and helps you to deal with the pain while it heals. 

Your injury chiropractor will also have you do exercises to relieve the pain of your injured tailbone. Exercising the muscles around your tailbone and spine will make them better able to support the entire spine, including your tailbone. You might also get an inflatable doughnut-shaped cushion for you to sit on while your tailbone is healing.

To prevent tailbone injury from sitting at work in the future, it is a good idea to take breaks and walk around several times every hour to relieve pressure on your tailbone.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Working and typing at a computer all day long can take its toll on the tendons and nerves inside your wrists. 

Carpal tunnel symptoms can begin with a tingling or numbness in your fingers and hands. In more advanced cases, you will feel sharp pains in your wrists and up your arms. Women are three times more likely than men to get carpal tunnel syndrome. The reason for this is a woman's carpal tunnel is smaller than a man's and can become inflamed and irritated easier. Also, if you are diabetic, you are more prone to get metabolic and nerve-related conditions, so you have a greater chance of getting carpal tunnel.

If you have the symptoms of carpal tunnel, it is best to see your doctor to get a definite diagnosis so you can begin treatment as soon as possible to stop it from worsening. 

Your doctor might recommend wearing splints to help keep your wrists immobile during several weeks of rest. Your doctor may also give your wrists injection treatments of corticosteroids to help reduce the swelling and help healing. You can also choose to see a physical therapist for regular exercises to help stretch and strengthen your injured wrists.

When these treatments do not help to heal your wrist injuries, your doctor can recommend surgery to correct the problem that is causing pain in your wrists. 

To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, make sure you take breaks, and use correct posture to position your wrists on your keyboard. Also, do wrist and hand stretches throughout your workday.

Office work-related injuries can be just as serious and painful as construction or mining job injuries. Get the right treatment for you injury and be sure to take precautions to prevent future injuries.
